Prässi 16
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Uusi REGIUS AJ laserleikkuri Maksimaalisesti varusteltu REGIUS AJ on Amadan tuoteperheen nopein kuitulaser, joka sisältää monia moderneja tekniikoita, kuten yhtiön oma uusi Laser Integration järjestelmä sekä Amadan alkuperäinen Variable Beam Control -tekniikka. Lisäksi uusi AMNC 3i Plus -ohjaus sisältää helpon käytettävyyden ratkaisuja. Amada Regius AJ:n kaikissa kolmessa pääakselissa on lineaarimoottorit, mikä merkitsee ylivertaista
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Check out Veme's latest news here!
Veme is always investing in efficiency and reliability of delivery. Last autumn we recieved a new Prima Power eP-1336 press brake machine. Check out additional info about the machine here.
To uphold growing demand and reliability of delivery, we have invested again in new production machinery. Last October Veme installed a new Platino Evo 1530 fiber laser equipped with storage tower. Check out the video of the laser here and the storage tower here.
7th new ABB welding robot has arrived at Veme in July.
QUASER machining station MV204P (fanuc 31i-B). Accessories, for example, NC-rotary table (5-axel) TANSHING MRCN 255 HB. Table size 700x1400 mm max load 1800kg.
Veme is always investing in efficiency and reliability of delivery. This autumn, we are recieving new Prima Power eP-1030 135t 4m press brake machine. Check out the video here.